Pro tools vs ableton
Pro tools vs ableton

As the name suggests “Live” is its speciality with performance, processing & triggering samples. The simple & stable performance gives this D.A.W points in workflow & speed.

  • Beat detective – Detect transients & realign (quantise) audio to be in time with the tempo / to beat grid lines.
  • #Pro tools vs ableton pro

  • AutoSave function (Tell Pro Tools how often you want it to automatically save your projects in case it or the computer crashes).
  • pro tools vs ableton pro tools vs ableton

  • Elastic audio + pitch – Accurate warping/transposition of audio.
  • Tempo Changes without altering the pitch of a sound (with elastic audio).
  • Score editor (for those who prefer sheet music or are classically trained).
  • Improved interface & audio engine for a faster & easier workflow.
  • Low Latency Input buffers allow you to monitor tracks without hampering plugin performance.
  • Offline bouncing: Exporting/bouncing a track up to 20 times faster than real-time!.
  • Some key & unique features of the software below:

    pro tools vs ableton

    The interface grows on you with practice and can be daunting to beginners but after a few tutorials & some time, it will all make sense. It has come a long way in terms of performance, user interface & functionality. Pro tools offer loop-recording functionality making it very easy to record & store multiple takes. Although the MIDI and post-processing aspects could be a bit more intuitive, audio recording, mixing & mastering is where this D.A.W shines. Referred to by most as the “industry standard”, audio recording & mixing in Pro Tools is easy & fun, be it in the studio or on the go.

    Pro tools vs ableton