Dxo photolab and nik collection
Dxo photolab and nik collection

Silver Effects Pro and Viveza look for an instance of "Capture One" or 'On1 Photo' to see if it is running. Open Capture One first then open Nik 4 Silver effect pro or viveza as a stand alone and see if you can do a File-> Open. I am well aware that the Nik collection apps do not process raw files.


I requested a refund and to have Nik 3 activation returned which they sent a link and activation code but they refused the refund until I disputed the charge with the bank and maybe because everytime i had a Nik 4 Collection ad placed on my Facebook timeline I would elborate on how DxO refuses to address the issues with Capture One and On1 Photo Raw. Tried to convice DxO support to have the string 'Capture One' removed from the code but I guess this offended them and they refused to budge. If you open Silver Effects Pro and/or Viveza as a standalone app before opening Capture One, all works ok. If DxO Photolab (any version) is already open the C1->SEP or Viveza work fine, clicking 'Apply' saves the tif file for C1, but Photolab must be running. The problem is Silver Effects Pro and Viveza are checking to see if Capture One is running and if so opens SEP or Viveza as a plugin app like is would if Photoshop or PhotoLab called the app. The issue is with DxO, apparently there are new developers that did not understand the relationship between Nik and C1 or On1 Photo Raw.

dxo photolab and nik collection dxo photolab and nik collection

Search 'Nik 4' on the community webpage and there are a number of posts from when Nik 4 was first released and you will find a number of workarounds for Mac, one for Windows, and a lot of frustrated customers. This is a DxO Nik 4 issue with the rewritten apps Silver Effect Pro and Viveza all other Nik Collection apps still work with C1.

Dxo photolab and nik collection